
Hear ye, Hear ye!! Show of Dreams 2024 was a Success!

Sat. July 27, 2024!!!

British Cars of New Hampshire (BCNH) is an organization devoted to the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of all British automobiles.

Become a Member

Jaguar at Show of Dreams

As a member, you are encouraged to participate in some of the many activities that are part of the benefits of being a BCNH member. These include monthly meetings, as well as rallies, rides, tech sessions, club socials, and car shows.

Members receive a monthly newsletter (The Boot, Hood & Bonnet) which includes news of upcoming events, club activities, a monthly calendar, car show results, technical tips and articles written by members and more.

Become a Member

One Organization…. Four Councils

Planning a Drive?

Check out our Drive Planning Guide!

Planning and Guiding a Drive

Check out our Blog!

Online Registration is Closed!

Please visit the Show of Dreams Page for more information.